During our family vacation to Gatlinburg, TN, I decided to activate Seven Islands Birding State Park. It was fairly close to our hotel in Sevierville … at least it seemed close on the map. Due to traffic in the area, travel time to the park was 30 minutes, despite the park being about 16 miles away from the hotel.

The park is very nice. I was able to find a spot to set up my Wolf River Coil antenna near the parking lot. Initially, I had some trouble tuning my antenna. I think the issue was with the radials I created before I left for vacation. I was using 6 radials cut to 33′. When I got back to my hotel, it appears the new radials I cut are about a foot shorter than the stock radials. When I switched back to 6 radials cut to the same size as the stock WRC radials, the antenna tuned no problem. This is something I will have to look at when I get back home. The stock length radials tuned to about 1:1.3 SWR – not too shabby.
40 meters was not cooperating too well. I got 11 contacts on 40. I moved over to 20 meters and picked up a quick 8 additional contacts, including one park to park. I had a total of 19 contacts over approximately 40 minutes on the air.
Here is my QSO map for this activation:

All in all, it was a fun morning.